December 2024
December Highlights from ISH
It can be easy to let it all go and "start in January".
I find that the BOTH AND can be a great way to approach the Holidays and the choices that support feeling great! BOTH inviting ease (loosening the reigns) AND intentionally choosing lifestyle tools that support you.
What 3 things will anchor you to your health goals that you will choose into over the next 2 weeks?
The swirl of the holiday season can consume you OR you can go with the flow, settle your system and anchor yourself to a few things that set you up for feeling the way you desire and keep you on course to what you say is important.
November 2024
Highlights from ISH
We are entering the season of light, luminosity and winter holidays for many. The rhythms of nature mirror our body's physiological needs. Did you know even in the micro processes of cellular biology there is the concept of winter and summer physiology?
This newsletter is filled with tips about light, rhythms and the importance of self nourishment to support you during this season.
TRUST that nature has your back, be open to the possibilities that living in alignment with nature has to support your health.
October 2024
ISH Fall Highlights
lack of seriousness; lightheartedness."a night of fun and frivolity"
Y'all life is NOW!
If you find yourself waiting until _________ (fill in the blank) to do what lights you up.
I challenge you and invite you to start now and remember consistent small steps move you quicker and more sustainably to the life you desire. Let me rephrase consistent daily steps curate the life you desire right now!
And perhaps you begin with adding more play, flow and frivolity into your moments making up your days and see where that leads.
August 2024
July 2024
June 2024
March 2024
March Highlights from ISH Membership
Spring is alive, energetic, vibrant and at times "windy". My body systems, energy, mind and needs align with the natural world. When I take time to notice, I am always astounded that the questions, answers and truths are right there in the natural world, ready for me when I settle, notice and trust.
Thank you March winds 💨 for the reminder.
February 2024
February Highlights from ISH
Each of us brings a different set of experiences, life and health events to each moment. The power in choice is profound! Keep things light, all choices are information, even the "bad" choices provide opportunity! The choice to course correct or pivot is ALL WAYS available to us!
Where can you simplify?
What are you doing that is unnecessary?
Taking inventory of your "doing" is an important piece of healing AND thriving. Cognitive load (relates to the amount of information that working memory can hold at one time) is REAL. All the things you are carrying in your memory take up space.
January 2024
January Highlights from ISH
Health is not only about eating nutritious foods and moving our bodies. It’s also about self-curiosity and mastery on other levels, including our minds.
Beliefs → influence thoughts → influence behaviors → influence results.
The power of thought has profound effects on health outcomes. Visualization (seeing, feeling and sensing yourself in a new way) is one way to practice this, by visualizing yourself realizing the change you want to create you are creating neural pathways to move you in the direction of your desired change. Athletes have been doing this with success for years.
December 2023
December Highlights from ISH
The holiday season is in full swing, and with it often comes a good dose of stress. In December ISH news, enjoy some tips and learnings to support you and your response to stress as you move through your day and this holiday season.
I’ve gathered some of my top tips for breaking the cycle of stress as well as some health news and insights to keep you motivated and feeling your best.
I believe we ALL are capable of choosing EASE even if things feel chaotic in your life. EASE is a way of being, a sensation and for me an ongoing practice.
November 2023
November Highlights from ISH
I find that during busy, stressful times, such as the upcoming holiday season, pausing to anchor myself to 2-3 things that are important and will keep me on track and letting the rest of the "shoulds" go is a great way to practice the BOTH AND. As you read though November News grab 2-3 anchors to support you to move through the holidays with EASE and JOY.
Speaking of the holidays, Tis the season....... with family/friend gatherings, sugar, disrupted routines and stress—can take a toll on our immune systems a bit more than at other times of year!
So I’ve gathered some of my top tips for immune support as well as some health news and insights to keep you motivated and feeling your best this time of year.
July 2023
ISH Community News! July
For me this year has been filled with travel (Miami, Florida Keys, Backcountry hut trip CO, Mexico, St Louis, Egypt, Grand Tetons, Yellowstone and Big Sky MT.) I am pretty sure I mentioned something about travel in my 2023 intentions 🤣 and then I just kept saying yes! It felt a bit stretchy for me because anyone who knows me, knows I can camp out at home for days on end and be perfectly content.
Breathing is autonomic, how you breath is up to you.
Learn a bit about breath and your autonomic nervous system.
Learn simple breathing techniques to support health
Tap into your Root System of Health by embodying the
peaceful power of the bison
Strength ♥️ Structure ♥️ Stability